
Category: Online Marketing

5 SEO Tips to Enhance Your Content

There are a number of tools to keep in mind when implementing an effective content marketing strategy. While this is hardly an exhaustive list, the

Legal Industry Dominates Pay-Per-Click

The legal industry is officially king of Google’s pay-per-click kingdom, spending more than any other industry on pay-per-click marketing. According to recent data courtesy of

Google Drives Paid Mobile Search

Merkle, “a global data-driven, technology-enabled performance marketing agency and the largest independent agency in the US for CRM, digital and search,” released its’ Q1 2016

Lawyers Need Blogs — Here’s Why

Expanding your web presence takes more than keywords and flashy images. In today’s ever-changing digital marketing industry, a successful website requires an up-to-date, informative blog.

Google Removes Right-Hand Side Ads

What Does This Mean? Earlier this month, Google dropped all pay per click (PPC) ads from showing on the right-hand side of search engine results