
Category: Online Marketing

What it Means For Your Law Practice to be “Google Screened” in 2021

Google recently launched its Google Screened program for professional service providers, including attorneys and law firms. By successfully completing the rigorous application process, you’ll receive a coveted Google endorsement and reach more potential clients—but it’s not cheap.

How Using Client Personas Can Boost Your Law Firm’s Marketing Efforts

In order to market your law firm effectively to the clients you wish to serve, you need to understand the unique needs of your intended audience. Creating client personas is a useful marketing tool you can use to ensure that the content you provide directly addresses their specific concerns.

4 Digital Marketing Trends for Law Firms Worth Exploring

As we prepare for the upcoming year, now’s a great time to revisit your digital marketing goals and strategies. Investing in quality content, communicating with existing clients, prioritizing client reviews, and implementing video marketing strategies are all ideas worth exploring.

New Law Firm Marketing Plan: It’s All Digital

As businesses have started to move away from in-person communications with their customers whenever possible, digital marketing efforts are becoming more important than ever. Law firms can implement a few strategies to make themselves more visible to potential clients.

3 Tips For Managing Google My Business Reviews

Now that Google is reactivating its business review services, it’s especially important to manage your law practice’s online reputation. By engaging with your reviewers and responding appropriately to negative reviews, you can attract prospective clients with your authenticity and professionalism.

Marketing Your Law Firm in the Time of COVID-19

It’s important to update your legal firm’s marketing strategy to reflect the new challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. By offering video conferencing, updating your website, and providing reassuring messages, clients will appreciate your authenticity and sensitivity during this difficult time.

Social Media Advertising for Attorneys

For an attorney who decides to pursue paid social media advertising, the benefits are clear: amplifying your reach, increasing your rank within a specific geographical area, boosting awareness, maximizing your content marketing, engaging more authentically with mobile users, and more. 

4 Tips for Building Brand Awareness in 2020

Marketing strategy in 2020 is all about the user experience. By creating authentic content, offering an engaging mobile experience, optimizing for voice-based searches, and showcasing a cohesive visual brand, you’re likely to increase your online visibility and attract more clients.