Social Media for Law Firms: Building Brand Awareness and Client Engagement

Law practices, particularly smaller firms, are finding success in engaging with potential clients via social media platforms. Share your firm’s successes and demonstrate your legal expertise in a particular field to boost client engagement and retention.
October 3, 2020

By now, you’re likely aware of how retail companies can implement social media marketing strategies that can increase brand awareness and drive sales. By taking the time to understand what visuals, sayings, or attitudes attract consumers, a company can craft social media posts that appeal to these interests. While social media has long been a successful tool for several commercial brands, businesses in other industries are starting to take note. Legal firms are beginning to explore the benefits of social media, especially when it comes to attracting more clients and establishing the firm as the go-to resource within the community. Here are a few tangible examples of how social media can grow your legal practice and set you apart from others in your field.

Appealing to Your Desired Audience

Perhaps your firm specializes in a few different practice areas, but you’re hoping to attract more clients who need assistance with a particular need, such as estate planning. While your website may list estate planning as one of your services, you are looking for ways to engage more people who are in need of these services. Social media can help you reach an audience of individuals who may be more interested in estate planning matters. Are you looking to appeal to older people who have not yet created an estate plan? Facebook is a popular social media platform among older generations. In order to engage with younger couples or individuals who may just be launching their careers or starting families, Instagram or Twitter may be better-suited to target these demographics.

Inviting More Client Engagement

Although most law firms report that they maintain a social media presence, the majority of attorneys state that they use social networking sites for networking and career development. However, those who have shifted to using social media to engage with potential clients have seen positive results; smaller firms with under nine employees have been the most successful at using social networking to gain new clients. As social media posts allow law firms the opportunity to craft an authentic and engaging voice, clients can get a sense of the firm’s core values, empathy, authority, or other important characteristics that set them apart from any other law practice.

Sharing Your Successes

Social media is a great way to boost your professional triumphs and highlight your expertise in a particular field. Did you recently publish an article in a journal or magazine? Were you recognized for your professional accomplishments within your community? Share the link via your social media channels. If you just won a big case, write a short post celebrating this victory. By maintaining an active social media presence, potential clients will take notice of your efforts to engage members of your community and may find themselves drawn to contacting you when a legal matter arises.

Strategic social media posts can give your law practice the client engagement you’re looking for. Call LegalRev today at (800) 893-2590 to discuss your digital marketing goals.

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