
Category: Legal Marketing

Embracing the Future of Legal Marketing

As the digital marketing landscape adapts to suit consumer habits better, it’s important to adjust your legal practice to meet your clients’ needs. Focus on building client relationships through strategic social media posts and mobile-friendly website design.

Understanding What Clients Want From Law Firms in 2021

Potential clients are indicating that a firm’s online reviews and affordability are their top priorities. Additionally, a physical office is not important, as long as you can develop a trusting attorney-client relationship in other ways. Use these insights to maximize your marketing efforts in 2021.

3 Tips for Creating a Successful Law Firm Marketing Plan

A successful law firm relies on a clear marketing strategy that can measure effectiveness and adapt as needed. By assessing and articulating your firm’s current marketing goals, you can tailor your marketing efforts into cultivating the results you want.

3 Key Benefits of Decluttering and Redefining Your Legal Brand

As an attorney, it’s important to take an inventory of your current marketing strategies and articulate how your unique offerings set you apart from others in your field. Streamlining and redefining your legal brand will likely boost your visibility among potential clients.

User-Centered Design: What it Means in the Context of Law Firms

As an attorney, implementing user-centered design (UCD) strategies to understand and anticipate your clients’ needs is a great way to build your business. Clients will appreciate your efforts to form genuine connections with them while providing customized legal solutions.

Law Firm CX Primer: Why Attorneys Need to Re-Think the Client Experience

Customer experience (CX) plays a pivotal role in shaping the way clients view your law firm. By making intentional efforts to improve CX through a series of client-focused steps, you’ll likely see an increase in the number of positive reviews, referrals, and lasting relationships with clients.

SEO For Law Firms: Myths vs. Reality

When it comes to SEO marketing strategies, plenty of myths abound. It’s worth taking a closer look at some common SEO myths so that you can use more effective and productive tactics to achieve your marketing goals.

Marketing Your Law Firm in the Time of COVID-19

It’s important to update your legal firm’s marketing strategy to reflect the new challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. By offering video conferencing, updating your website, and providing reassuring messages, clients will appreciate your authenticity and sensitivity during this difficult time.