Key Ways That Law Firms Can Benefit From Using a Digital Marketing Strategist

Working with a digital marketing strategist can help your law firm achieve your content marketing goals more efficiently and effectively. Relying on a legal marketing strategist allows you to focus more on serving your clients while knowing that your marketing efforts are in excellent hands.

Like any business in today’s increasingly digital world, law firms must invest in a digital marketing strategy to remain competitive and connect with potential clients. As an attorney at a smaller or mid-sized law firm, you likely know how crucial it is to create and maintain a user-friendly website that incorporates search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to ensure that your website appears higher in the search results pages. However, in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine algorithms, merely having an active website describing your law firm and the practice areas you offer is not enough to ensure that you remain visible to those looking for legal services in your area. Instead, your law firm should devote some time and effort to creating some type of digital marketing strategy that builds awareness of your law practice and connects with an audience of potential clients.

While some larger law firms have their own marketing departments, smaller firms often find it hard to set aside time to work on their content marketing strategies. For these smaller law firms, time spent on digital marketing usually means time not spent on serving clients, which often means that digital marketing efforts are pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. With Google’s recent announcement that details the steps the company is taking to crack down on low-quality content, having an effective and cutting-edge legal marketing strategy is more essential than ever. As daunting as this prospect may be, you do not have to tackle this project on your own. Let’s take a look at some of the most notable benefits of enlisting a digital marketing strategist to help your law firm achieve its content marketing goals.

Investing in Content Marketing For Law Firms Saves You Time

The most compelling reason that motivates smaller law firms to hand over their content marketing efforts to a digital marketing strategist is to save the attorneys valuable time serving their clients. When you are the only attorney (or one of a small handful of lawyers), every minute matters. You do not have the luxury of larger law firms, where administrative tasks are typically handled by support staff so you can dedicate your time to working on behalf of your clients. Instead, running a small or mid-sized law firm means that you have to take on many more responsibilities, which can cut into the time you want to spend working with your clients. When you hand over your digital marketing for law firms tasks to a legal marketing strategist, you can devote much more time to serving your clients and working on their cases. For many small businesses, the cost of a content marketing strategy is justified by the considerable amount of time you receive to spend on doing what you do best—serving your clients.

A Marketing Strategy for Law Firms Improves Brand Consistency

Another advantage of enlisting the help of a legal marketing strategist is that this professional can devote time to building and improving your brand. A law firm is just like any other business; your law practice relies on a steady stream of incoming clients, so you need to make your firm identifiable to potential clients. Brand consistency is cultivated by using a specific tone and voice in all of your communications, from email marketing newsletters to social media posts. Your content marketing strategist can help your firm articulate its mission statement and core values, then weave these principles into your communications with clients and digital content (such as your website, blogs, and social media posts). Whenever people hear your law firm’s name or see your posts, the consistency across all platforms will inspire them to view your firm in a positive light. Consumers are drawn to businesses that deliver clear and consistent messaging to cultivate public trust. Implementing an effective digital marketing strategy for law firms can do just that.

Social Media Marketing for Lawyers Can Reach New Audiences

When it comes to social media marketing, many small law firms can feel a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of creating impactful posts to market their legal services. Moreover, many attorneys question whether social media marketing is really necessary to remain competitive in today’s marketplace. The reality is that a thoughtful social media marketing strategy not only reaches more potential clients who are already spending a considerable amount of time on these platforms, but posting regularly on social media boosts your SEO performance and positively affects your website’s rankings among the search results. A legal marketing strategist can help you articulate your firm’s marketing goals and develop an effective and customized social media marketing strategy to help you achieve the results you’re after.

Keeping Up With SEO Best Practices Boosts Your Visibility

Another advantage of involving a legal marketing professional to help your law firm create an effective content marketing strategy is knowing that this strategist is monitoring every change in SEO best practices. They understand how Google and other search engines are tweaking their search engine algorithms, especially in light of the explosive growth of artificial intelligence (AI) content generation tools that affect search rankings in considerable ways. When you work with a legal marketing strategist, you gain access to their expertise and familiarity with the most up-to-date SEO best practices. You can trust that the digital marketing strategy for law firms they come up with is as relevant and effective as possible. Once you put it into practice, you’re likely to see an increase in lead generation as more potential clients will come across your firm’s content and start to recognize your brand.

Get Started With a Legal Marketing Strategist Today

Whether your law firm is just starting to put together a content marketing plan or you are looking for ways to make your current digital marketing strategy more impactful, consider reaching out to a legal marketing firm to discuss your goals. Working with a dedicated and knowledgeable legal marketing professional is the best way to ensure that your law firm’s digital marketing efforts are getting your the results you’re looking for.

Now’s the time to connect with a legal marketing strategist to help your law firm grow steadily and attract more clients. Call LegalRev today at (800) 893-2590 to discuss your goals with a knowledgeable legal marketing strategist.

April 17, 2024