Most law firms recognize the value of investing in an SEO-friendly website to boost their visibility and attract more clients. The most effective legal websites anticipate and address common client questions and concerns, presenting the law practice as genuinely invested in protecting their clients’ best interests. While creating client-centered content for the practice area pages and the home page is essential, many law firms don’t quite understand how to make the most of the “About” page. However, as more website visitors are hoping to learn more about the people behind the services, the About page is more important than ever. Let’s explore some strategies for maximizing the power of the About page to connect with more potential clients and grow your law practice steadily and sustainably.
What Site Visitors Are Looking For on the About Us Page
As companies and brands are increasing their efforts to connect with consumers in a more informal and authentic way, customers have come to appreciate businesses that showcase the people behind the brand or services. The legal landscape is no different—with several law firms to choose from, potential clients want to know about the attorneys with whom they will be communicating and entrusting their sensitive legal matters. When potential clients visit your firm’s website, they may appreciate your practice area pages; however, a poorly-written or vague About page can send them to another law practice in your area that appears more interested in forging a personal connection with each client. Taking the time to create a compelling About page is a great way to increase your conversion rate and encourage more clients to schedule an initial consultation with you.
Focus on Your Firm’s Vision, Mission, and Values
While all law firms aim to serve their clients, it’s important to articulate your approach to achieving this goal. An ineffective About page may simply list facts about the firm, such as how many years it has operated, how much experience the attorneys have, and the locations the firm serves. These pieces of information, while relevant, do not showcase your firm’s unique approach to addressing your clients’ needs. Show potential clients that not only do you have the experience to assist them but that you genuinely care about helping them achieve their desired outcome. Think of your About page as your chance to explain the why behind what you do. Why do you focus on the practice areas that you do? Why or how is this work important? When site visitors can read about what motivates you to serve your clients, they will develop a more personal connection and be more likely to contact you for an appointment.
Distinguish Yourself From Similar Law Firms in Your Area
When people with legal questions or issues are searching for an attorney in their area, they usually have at least a few options. Take some time to visit the websites of other firms offering similar services near you and consider how you can use your About page to set your law firm apart from the rest. If you have an impressive track record of winning personal injury lawsuits on behalf of your clients, include this information on your About page to underscore your commitment to working hard to help your clients obtain favorable outcomes. Or, perhaps you are a criminal defense lawyer who has developed a team of skilled professionals (i.e., forensics experts, former prosecutors, etc.) that can help you provide outstanding and comprehensive legal services to your clients. Additionally, consider the tone of your About page. Most people with legal matters feel anxious or even ashamed of their situation, so expressing compassion and reassuring clients that you are committed to serving them with the respect they deserve can go a long way in cultivating client trust.
Be Mindful About Perspective and Consistency
As you craft the About page, consider how various points of view may impact your website visitors. For instance, the first-person point of view can showcase your firm as engaged and approachable (“I/We provide client-centered personal injury services), while the second-person point of view may focus more on the client’s needs (“You deserve customized and effective personal injury services). Writing the page in the third person can make you sound more objective and established (i.e., “[Name of Firm] provides exceptional and effective personal injury services”). However, make sure that you select a point of view and use it consistently to minimize confusion.
Meeting Potential Clients Where They Are
As an attorney, it may feel intuitive to write website content that’s full of technical jargon and highly nuanced. However, remember that the average client does not share your legal background, meaning they are more likely to gravitate toward simple, straightforward language. Your About page is a great place to highlight your professional accomplishments as well as your genuine investment in your clients’ well-being. Many potential clients are looking for reassurance and compassion above all else, so use this page to demonstrate the people behind the law firm. Your site visitors will appreciate your transparency and commitment to writing client-centered content, eventually leading to an increased volume of new client calls.
If you are looking for ways to make your law firm’s digital marketing strategy more effective, call LegalRev today at (800) 893-2590.