Yes, Blogging is Still an Effective SEO Strategy For Law Firms in 2022

Creating and maintaining regular client-centered blog posts can boost SEO performance and increase your visibility to potential clients. By investing in well-crafted blog posts, you’ll likely see a steady rise in client engagement.

As you move your law practice into the New Year, it’s time to assess your digital marketing strategy to identify what’s working (and what’s not). One big question that comes up often is whether blog posts are still relevant. Many people think that blogging peaked several years ago and has become less relevant since then. However, creating and maintaining regular client-centered blog posts can boost SEO performance and increase your visibility to potential clients. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your law firm’s blog posts in the new year and beyond.

The Power of SEO-Friendly Legal Blogs

While your law firm’s blogs are a great way for current and potential clients to get a sense of your services and approach to various areas of law, the true power of writing fresh and original blog posts lies in their ability to improve the SEO performance of your website. Incorporating search-friendly titles helps algorithms like Google locate and display your post to searchers. However, search engine algorithms favor blogs that are more natural in cadence than those that suffer from “keyword stuffing.” The most effective blog posts appeal to search engine algorithms through strategic phrasing but still sound authentic and natural.

Create Easy-to-Read Blog Posts For Maximum Impact

People with legal questions are looking for quick, accurate information. Unfortunately, many law firms write lengthy, dense blog posts that may appeal to other attorneys but fail to engage the average searcher. You will find more success when you create client-centered posts that are easy to skim and provide basic information for those with specific legal questions. Break up long paragraphs with headings and keep posts on the shorter side to engage readers more effectively. Additionally, consider ending each post with a “call to action,” inviting readers to call your office to schedule an appointment.

Meet Your Clients Where They Are

Think of your blog posts as an important aspect of your law firm’s overall digital marketing strategy. While your clients may not read each blog post, Google may suggest one of your posts to someone in your area with a legal question. When they click on the post, they can read more about the topic and contact your law practice through a simple click or phone call. Many people with legal questions want to read a bit about their issue before they decide to contact an attorney, so you are streamlining this process for potential clients when you use your blog posts to build trust and encourage them to contact your office. By investing in regular and well-crafted blog posts, you’ll likely see a steady rise in client engagement.

Discuss your law firm’s digital marketing goals today by calling LegalRev at (800) 893-2590.

January 17, 2022