Understanding the Power of Local SEO for Law Firms

Tailoring your website, blog posts, client review sites, Google My Business profile, and other online marketing tools to appeal to search engine algorithms can boost your rankings and engage more prospective clients.

If you have a digital marketing strategy in place that’s designed to grow your law practice, you’re probably familiar with the term “search engine optimization” (SEO). Tailoring your website, blog posts, client review sites, Google My Business profile, and other online marketing tools to appeal to search engine algorithms can boost your rankings and engage more prospective clients. Now’s the time to invest in local SEO strategies to become even more competitive and visible to clients in your community. Here’s what you need to know about the power of local SEO strategies for marketing your law practice.

Reaching Potential Clients in Your Area

While the content you present on your website may appeal to anyone looking for information about a particular area of the law, your goal is to engage more clients and grow your practice. Local SEO strategies allow you to tailor your content to appeal to people in your immediate area. Finding organic opportunities to mention your location encourages search engines to show your website to people searching for legal services in your area.

Components of Local SEO for Law Firms

Local SEO strategies begin with broader SEO best practices. First, make sure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, displays seamlessly on mobile devices, and presents client-focused, relevant content. From there, incorporate local-focused keywords on your website—just don’t overdo it, or you risk sounding clunky and inauthentic. Create a Google My Business profile that allows your firm’s information to rank in Google Maps and become visible to potential clients in need of legal services in your area.

Building Authority and Trustworthiness

Another component of a strong local SEO strategy is requesting, managing, and responding to client reviews. Search engine algorithms consider the number and quality of user reviews when determining a site’s ranking, so make sure you have an effective process for managing client reviews. Remember, when you respond to each review (whether positive or negative), you are showing other potential clients who you are. The more you can show that you’re genuinely invested in client satisfaction, the more likely it is that potential clients will want to work with you. Gradually, these local SEO strategies will grow your reputation throughout your area.

Give the LegalRev team a call today at (800) 893-2590 to discuss how to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level.

November 24, 2021