The Latest Digital Marketing Trends For Law Firms

There are a few essential strategies and tools that can drive client engagement and grow your law firm. Using automated tools strategically, prioritizing the mobile experience, and harnessing the power of social media can take your legal marketing efforts to the next level.

If it seems like marketing trends are accelerating at a rapid pace, you are far from alone. You may have just wrapped your head around the importance of creating a client-centered website to grow your law firm, and now buzzy phrases like “AI-generated content” and “short-form video posts” may be flooding in and causing even more confusion. First, it’s essential to recognize that law firm marketing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor; rather, your law practice will most likely thrive when you invest in creating a customized marketing strategy that addresses your firm’s unique needs and goals. Whether you are just starting to explore your digital marketing options or your law firm is seeking to increase the impact of your existing marketing strategies, it’s important to take stock of the latest digital marketing trends for law firms to better understand your options. Let’s explore some of the most cutting-edge digital marketing trends so you can make informed decisions with greater certainty and confidence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation Tools

By now, you have probably heard something about the role of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and their potential to either improve or destroy various industries. It seems like every day brings countless new think pieces about these evolving technologies and their potential benefits or extreme risks. So, what’s the deal with AI-driven tools and the digital marketing landscape? For now, the most practical guidance appears to be “Exercise With Caution.” Attorneys may not even realize that they have already implemented automation into their practice. For instance, if your law firm’s website provides a contact submission form, this tool makes it easier for potential clients to contact your office and make an appointment. Certain automated tools can improve the efficiency of formerly time-consuming or laborious tasks, such as gathering information from clients or asking clients to review your legal services on a review site.

Of course, some AI technologies may appear promising, but it’s best to approach them with caution. For example, your law firm may be tempted to use AI tools like ChatGPT to generate content for your website, blog posts, or newsletters. While these content generators do save considerable time (with many tools generating written content within minutes), the results may not benefit your law practice in the long run. Professionals who have used AI tools to write content have reported incorrect information, missing or dubious citations, and other concerning issues included in the AI-generated content. If you decide to use these tools to create written content, be sure to review it carefully for accuracy. Additionally, you may find that the content seems stilted, devoid of emotion, or simply “off” in tone. For now, most law firms are sticking to their current strategy of using automated tools to perform simple tasks and continuing to invest their time and effort into creating accurate content that connects with and engages potential clients.

Prioritizing the Mobile Experience

As smartphones have become increasingly popular, most people search for goods and services using their mobile devices instead of laptops or desktop computers. In fact, the number of Google searches performed on mobile devices has surpassed the number of web searches performed on computers in ten countries, including the United States. With this knowledge, your law firm can channel its efforts into prioritizing the mobile experience. For instance, access your law firm’s website using a mobile device. Does it load quickly (ideally, within three seconds or less)? Do all the images display correctly? Are there any issues with text blocks being cut off, resized, or too small to read? This brief “check-up” can help you spot potential issues with how your website displays on a smaller screen. If you identify problems, you can troubleshoot these issues to determine how to address them as effectively as possible.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Many professionals continue to view social media as an informal pastime, considering it to be a place where people scroll mindlessly while killing time or waiting for a friend. However, businesses that use social media in a purposeful and strategic way tend to build their visibility and attract more customers. Law firms can tap into social media platforms to cultivate relationships with current, former, and potential clients in their community. As of 2022, people spent an average of 147 minutes on social media per day. Since your potential clients are already using these platforms regularly, why not meet them where they are? Consider creating a social media profile for your law firm and crafting posts that address common client questions or highlight recent changes in laws that could affect your target audience.

Reaching Your Target Audience on Social Media

As you consider creating a social media presence for your law practice, take some time to identify the platforms that would best support your goals. In general, Facebook attracts older individuals, while platforms like TikTok and Instagram tend to be most popular among younger generations. You can use this information to guide your social media marketing strategy. For instance, an elder law attorney may gravitate toward Facebook to reach older individuals, while a business law firm that wants to attract younger start-up companies may find success on TikTok or LinkedIn.

Crafting Effective Social Media Posts

The prospect of posting on social media may seem daunting at first, but there are several ways to make this task manageable and effective. You can start by identifying your law firm’s “brand” to ensure that each post conveys your core mission and values, establishing consistency across all of your social media posts. It’s also important to recognize that social media favors short, easily digestible posts, so keep written content brief and to the point (or risk losing the attention and interest of your audience). If you’re ready to take your posts to the next level, consider creating short-form videos to post on social media. Using videos to highlight common client concerns or explain a legal topic are great ways to attract potential clients. Law firms that use these marketing strategies effectively often find that people respond favorably to these efforts, as they convey a genuine interest in understanding and supporting client needs.


Are you looking for innovative and effective digital marketing strategies to grow your law firm? LegalRev is here to help. Call our team at (800) 893-2590 to get started.

July 3, 2023