As a law firm, it’s critical to distinguish your services from those of others providing similar legal services in your area. With the most recent estimates indicating that there are approximately 450,000 law firms in the United States as of 2023, potential clients have several options available to them. Now that the majority of individuals looking for legal representation begin with an online search, it’s more important than ever that your law firm’s digital marketing strategy includes building brand awareness and incorporating SEO-friendly practices to drive more traffic to your website. As an attorney, thinking of your law practice as a “brand” may seem awkward or gimmicky. However, focusing on building a memorable and impactful brand to market your legal services is a fantastic way to inspire public trust and increase the likelihood of individuals in your area turning to your law firm when a legal need arises. While the prospect of developing a law firm branding strategy may seem intimidating or time-consuming, there are several tips to streamline this process and maximize the impact of your efforts. Let’s take a look at some of the time-tested and proven law firm branding strategies you can use to engage more clients and grow your legal practice within the next few years.
Branding is Not Just For Retail Companies
In today’s increasingly interconnected world, the average person spends nearly 7 hours per day online. Even if people use the internet for work, they still take mini-breaks to scroll through social media, read news headlines, shop for clothing, or look up a recipe. As they jump from site to site, targeted ads follow them and try to capture their attention. All this is to say that branding is all around us, all the time. Although we tend to associate the term “branding” with major retailers of clothing, home goods, shoes, or other products, companies that provide services (i.e., marketing firms, doctors offices, house cleaning services, and law firms, to name a few) also rely on effective branding strategies to increase awareness and drive traffic to their websites. As a solo attorney or part of a larger law firm, now’s the time to focus on forging a memorable and impactful brand to build public awareness and set your services apart from others in your community.
Start With Your Law Firm’s “Why”
By now, most people are tired of the stereotypical branding tactics. They tend to gravitate toward companies and services that are not too “braggy” or “sales-y” in tone; subtlety performs much better than overt appeals. The most successful law firm branding campaigns start with a solid understanding and articulation of the firm’s core values and mission. Before you compose a social media post or refresh your firm’s website, take some time to reflect on what your practice values and aims to do. Why do you do what you do? Why did you start your law practice? What principles motivate you to serve your clients? When you carve out time to address these questions, the outline of a solid brand starts to take shape. You can use your answers to compose your mission statement, and then you can use this value statement to guide your marketing strategy. Even if your marketing materials, social media posts, and website do not explicitly state your mission statement, your mindful and intentional work around defining your “why” will lead to more consistent and clear branding and marketing efforts.
Anticipate What Your Clients Want Most From an Attorney
Whether you are just starting out as an attorney or your law practice has been operational for decades, understanding the needs and concerns of those you serve is critical. Take some time to consider the average client you serve–what do they want most from their attorney? Legal experience and a proven track record of success are important, but they are not everything. Instead of relying only on your experience to attract more clients, think about the qualities they appreciate when working with you. Most people with legal concerns want reassurance and stability, so how can you design your brand and marketing strategy to communicate these qualities? For example, if your law practice focuses on offering alternatives to litigation (like divorce mediation), it’s probably better to use reassuring, calming word choices and phrases than aggressive ones. Remember, your law firm does not need to appeal to every single person, and attempting to serve every client often leads to a chaotic, and even contradictory, marketing strategy that has little impact. Instead, focus on the types of people you want to serve most and design your brand and messaging to communicate directly with your target audience.
Let Your Clients Amplify Your Brand
While the digital marketing content you create on your website, social media profiles, and e-newsletters defines and showcases your law firm’s brand, the words of your clients are some of the most powerful marketing tools out there. Consider displaying favorable client reviews on your law firm’s homepage or create a blog celebrating some of the most recent reviews your clients have written to demonstrate your firm’s commitment to living out its mission to put clients first. Positive client reviews are proof of an effective branding strategy, as those you have served have taken the time to articulate their appreciation of your personalized and effective legal services. As you flesh out your digital marketing strategy, it’s worth exploring how to harness the power of client reviews to boost your brand and cultivate client loyalty, trust, and admiration.
Commit to Ongoing Brand Evolution As Your Law Firm Grows
While it may be tempting to think of digital marketing and branding efforts as a one-time investment, the most successful law firms recognize that evolution is critical. As your law firm grows, your clients’ needs may shift—as will the legal landscape. It’s worth revisiting your branding and marketing efforts on a regular basis to ensure they are still reaching and resonating with potential clients. You can use an array of digital marketing tools to track website traffic and social media views then use this feedback to inform your future efforts and strategies. Remember, the dedicated and caring digital marketing team at LegalRev is always available to help you maximize your impact and grow your law practice smartly and strategically.
If your law firm has been stuck in a digital marketing rut, it’s time to refresh your approach and drive more traffic to your website. Give LegalRev a call today at (800) 893-2590 to start exploring your options and identifying your goals.