How Setting SMART Goals Can Help Your Law Practice Find Success

Goal-setting is an effective way to assess your law firm’s performance, identify what’s working (and what isn’t), and implement new strategies to help you grow your practice.

As an attorney, you have a lot on your plate. Focusing on your digital marketing strategy may not appear at the top of your to-do list, and it’s easy to put this task off for another day, week, or month. However, goal-setting is an effective way to assess your law firm’s performance, identify what’s working (and what isn’t), and implement new strategies to help you grow your practice. While there are several methods for setting achievable professional goals, the SMART method ( “SMART method”) (which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based) works particularly well for attorneys. Here’s what you need to know about how setting SMART goals can help your firm find success.

Breaking down “SMART” Goals

First, your goals should be specific. Instead of creating a goal to attract more clients, refine this goal to target a specific type of client. For instance, are you hoping to serve more clients who have a specific legal need? Narrowing the scope of your goal makes it easier to target and measure your progress. Next, the goal should be measurable. How many clients are you hoping to reach through a new digital marketing strategy? Quantify this goal so you can track your efforts. It’s also important to set an achievable goal. Keep your goal realistic, or you risk setting yourself up for disappointment. Your goal should also be relevant to your overall vision for your firm. Finally, setting a time-based goal is useful, as you can set a window during which you will launch a new strategy, measure its effectiveness, and analyze the results.

How Law Firms Can Start Setting SMART Goals

It’s easy to think of goal-setting as a waste of time. It actually can be, if you only set large and vague goals for yourself and your firm. However, setting SMART goals that are rooted in practicality can give you important insights into your firm’s performance. Take some time to select and define a particular goal, then schedule deadlines to monitor the campaign’s progress. Set an end date, after which you can analyze the success of the strategy and use the results to inform your future strategies.

Goal Setting is an Ongoing Process

Even if you’ve set a goal, tracked its progress, and analyzed the effectiveness of the strategy, goal-setting is not a one-time event. Instead, use the results to inform your next strategies and goals moving forward. Goal-setting should be a continuous process, where you learn from each strategy and tweak or modify your approach the next time around. As your goals shift, adjust your goal-setting strategies as well to support the evolution of your law practice.

Learn more about the benefits of setting digital marketing goals for your law firm by calling LegalRev today at (800) 893-2590.

February 24, 2022