A Multi-Pronged Approach to Help Law Firms Address Client FAQs

Including an FAQ page is a great way to engage potential clients—but it’s not your only option. Consider taking a multifaceted approach (i.e., strategic blog and social media posts) to address client FAQs and maximize your digital marketing efforts.
April 24, 2021

Before most people decide to contact an attorney, they’re usually looking for an answer to a specific legal question. Performing a quick internet search can direct them to the information they seek. As an attorney, you can capitalize on this process by anticipating and addressing your clients’ frequently asked questions (FAQs), increasing your visibility to searchers in your area. While you may assume that tacking on an FAQ page to your existing legal website is the best (or only) way to interact with potential clients, you should consider taking a multifaceted approach to addressing client FAQs to maximize your efforts. Here are some tips for getting started.

Getting the Most Out of Your FAQ Page

Including an FAQ page as part of your website build can be a useful and effective SEO-friendly strategy. People are increasingly phrasing their searches in question form, especially with the rising popularity of voice searches. As a result, if your website includes a similar question, Google will direct them your way. Before you slap an FAQ page together and post it, make sure you approach this process from a strategic standpoint. Take time to develop 8 to 10 common questions you receive from clients, and craft helpful answers that invite readers to contact your office to arrange a consultation. You should also make it a habit to update your FAQ page from time to time, especially as client questions change or your practice areas evolve.

Use Client FAQs to Develop a Better User Experience

Although a solid FAQ page can boost your SEO rankings and increase your visibility over time, there are other ways to incorporate these practices into your overall marketing strategy. Approach each page of your website through the eyes of a potential client. What answers are they looking for? How can you use their questions to create helpful content that addresses their specific concerns? Your website visitors will appreciate how you’ve anticipated their concerns, and they’ll be more likely to view you as genuinely invested in their well-being and overall experience.

Create a Posting Strategy Built Around Client FAQs

Consider implementing an ongoing series of blog posts or social media posts that focus on one FAQ at a time. Then, link each new blog post to the corresponding question on the FAQ page—another SEO-savvy strategy. Creating videos or social media posts that highlight a particular client question can further establish your law practice as an authority in your practice area throughout your community. As client questions evolve, be sure to create new content that addresses these topics to ensure that your clients continue to feel heard and supported by you and your firm.

For more ideas about how to make the most of your digital marketing strategy, call LegalRev at (800) 893-2590 today.

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