How to Tell If Your Law Firm Branding Is Working For You

Like any business, your law firm needs an identifiable brand that sets your services apart from competitors, inspires consumer trust, and communicates to clients your authentic investment in their satisfaction.

When you create a website for your law firm or spend time implementing a digital marketing strategy, you’re essentially creating a legal brand. Like any business, your law firm needs an identifiable brand that sets your services apart from competitors, inspires consumer trust, and communicates to clients your authentic investment in their satisfaction. Let’s take a look at how law firms can build their brand identity and some ways of determining whether your current legal branding is doing all it can to attract and engage clients.

Core Components of Your Law Firm’s Brand Identity

It can be helpful to think about your brand as your promise to potential clients. What sets you apart from other law firms? Why should clients work with you? How will you build trust with your clients? Taking some time to address these questions allows you to distill your professional services into a few meaningful statements. For instance, if you care most about building client trust, what word choices can you use in your website content to communicate your trustworthiness to clients? In addition to word choice and tone, other factors like your website’s color scheme, your logo, the font you use, and the images you present on your website contribute to your firm’s brand identity.

Assessing Your Current Brand Identity

Many firms may have an SEO-friendly website and other digital marketing strategies in place, but it’s worth it to take some time to evaluate your firm’s brand identity. Do you communicate your core values through your website? Read over your current website from the client perspective to consider what first impressions clients may have of you and your firm. Take a look at other websites for attorneys offering similar services in your area and ask yourself what sets you apart from these other firms. If your current website appears too generic or does not present a complete picture of your firm’s values, it may be time to establish a more cohesive brand identity.

Taking Your Branding Strategy to the Next Level

Law firms that excel in building a strong brand identity tend to focus on inspiring client trust. By writing content that projects your confidence and professionalism as an attorney, potential clients are more likely to gravitate toward your practice. For many clients, the types of services you offer become secondary to how you make them feel. If they feel reassured, encouraged, and valued by the look and feel of your website and during their initial conversations with you, they will likely move forward with you as their attorney. You can communicate your confidence and trustworthiness through clear and relevant content that anticipates and responds to common client questions and by using consistent messaging and branding in your digital marketing materials and client communications.

Call the LegalRev team today at (800) 893-2590 to discuss ways of taking your law firm’s digital marketing strategy to the next level.

November 17, 2021