It’s Time to Run a Quick UX Health Check For Your Legal Website

Taking a few simple steps to ensure that your legal website is user-friendly and easy to navigate may make you more visible and accessible to potential clients. Make it a habit of performing a quick UX health check every now and then.
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February 10, 2021

Are your legal clients having the type of user experience (UX) that you think they are having? As long as calls from new clients are coming in, you may assume that your marketing efforts and user-friendly website are working well. However, taking a little bit of time to perform a quick UX health check on your law firm’s website and other customer-facing services can ensure that prospective clients enjoy a smooth and effective experience whenever they interface with your practice. Here are some simple steps to get started.

Identify What’s Working Well

First, focus on what aspects of the UX are working well. You can ask current and former clients, either in informal conversations or through a simple survey, how they found your law office. If they used your website, what did they like about it? Was it intuitive to navigate? Did they find what they were looking for? Even a few client responses can help you identify your current UX strengths.

Navigate Your Website From the Client Perspective

Take a few minutes to click on your firm’s website, and imagine that you are a typical client. What are you looking for? Do you want reassurance? What do you want to hear from your attorney? Then, approach your website with these questions in mind. Can this client find what they need? Is it easy to find the page with information about their legal problem? How easy is it to contact you? If you find that there are ways to improve the user experience, make the necessary tweaks.

Don’t Forget About UX for Mobile Websites

People are increasingly turning away from desktop computers and using their mobile devices to search for information and services. Make sure that your website loads quickly on a mobile device and that all the features are visible. Do the images load properly? Is the text clear? Is the website easy to read and navigate? With Google’s mobile-first indexing deadline fast approaching, make sure clients can easily access your website from their smartphones.

Looking to improve the UX experience for potential clients? Give the LegalRev team a call today at (800) 893-2590 to get started.

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