Why Social Media for Law Firms is a Solid Digital Marketing Strategy

Social media platforms are a strategic way for law firms to gain visibility and traction with current and potential clients, generating more sustainable leads and growing your practice over time.

The digital marketing strategy for many law firms typically involves an SEO-friendly website that anticipates client questions and needs, a plan for gathering positive online client reviews, and launching periodic PPC campaigns. However, many attorneys overlook the power of social media—these platforms are a strategic way to gain visibility and traction with current and potential clients, generating more sustainable leads and growing your practice over time. Here’s everything you need to know about using social media to promote your law firm and engage more clients.

Meeting Clients Where They Already Are

One of the biggest advantages of social media marketing is that you are engaging clients in a space where they are already spending a considerable amount of time. According to the most recent estimates(https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research/ “estimates”), the average daily social media usage is 2 hours and 27 minutes. People are not using social media to merely connect with friends and family—they explore brands, products, and services as well. Many businesses see a dramatic increase in consumer interest and engagement when they use social media for marketing their products and services, as customers see an ad or post and quickly take action.

Establish Your Professional, Yet Relatable, Social Media Presence

Brands that do well on social media have carefully thought about their social media persona. As an attorney, you want to establish your professionalism, yet you also want to show potential clients that you care about their needs. Craft your social media profiles with this balance in mind—how can you indicate that you are an expert in your field and that you are invested in your clients’ success? It also helps to explore the social media profiles of law firms offering similar services in your area so you can set yourself apart. Consider each element of your profile and post, from the pictures you use to the word choices and tone you use to interact with your clients.

Understanding Who Your Clients Are and What They Need

Before you launch social media campaigns across all social media platforms, take some time to consider who your clients are and what they need. Each social media platform attracts slightly different demographics, so make sure you are using the social media apps where the majority of your current and potential clients already are. Facebook skews to a slightly older demographic, while Twitter and Instagram tend to appeal to younger audiences. LinkedIn allows you to show off your professional side, and this platform is also a great tool for networking with other attorneys or firms. As you focus on your digital marketing strategy, don’t forget to harness the power of social media for growing your law practice.

Looking to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level? Call LegalRev today at (800) 893-2590 to discuss your goals.

January 24, 2022