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3 Tips for Creating a Successful Law Firm Marketing Plan

A successful law firm relies on a clear marketing strategy that can measure effectiveness and adapt as needed. By assessing and articulating your firm’s current marketing goals, you can tailor your marketing efforts into cultivating the results you want.
November 11, 2020

As an attorney, you understand the importance of marketing your legal practice in a way that attracts and retains clients. However, marketing plans vary significantly in their scope and effectiveness. So, how can you be sure you are investing your valuable time and effort into creating a marketing plan that actually works? It’s worth taking a look at three components of a successful marketing plan so that you can build a customized strategy to address the specific needs and goals of your law practice.

1. Perform a Quick “Health Check” of Your Current Practice

Before you can begin to develop an effective marketing strategy, you’ll need to understand your current position. Carve out a bit of time to ask yourself a few questions, such as: How many clients does my firm serve per year? How do I feel about this number? How do clients typically find my law firm? How many leads does the firm receive via the website? What types of digital marketing have I already implemented, and how effective are they? By reflecting on these questions, you can gather valuable information to help inform your future marketing efforts.

2. Identify Specific Marketing Goals

It may seem tempting to state that your new digital marketing goal is to “get more clients.” This goal is simply too vague; it does articulate a desired outcome, but it needs to be more specific so that you know what steps to take to make it happen. For many attorneys, starting with a small, measurable goal is a great way to view your progress. Perhaps you are an estate planning attorney who typically attracts older clients, and you want to channel your marketing efforts into serving younger individuals and families. Set a goal for your firm, such as attracting a set number of younger clients within the next six months. With this concrete goal in mind, you can implement specific strategies that target a younger demographic. Consider the preferred social media formats of your desired client base and start channeling your digital marketing efforts into making your firm visible to these clients.

3. Monitor Your Progress and Adapt as Needed

Once you’ve identified your specific marketing goals and developed some strategies to support them, it’s important to track their effectiveness over time. If you have no way of measuring the impact of these strategies, how will you know whether they are working? There are several tools that you can use to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. You can monitor whether the social media advertisement you launched yielded more website views and client calls, or whether adding a new contact feature on your website resulted in increased client engagement. If you find that the strategy is not working, you can easily adapt your approach. With realistic goals in place, you can keep revising the strategies you use until they help you achieve your desired results.

If you’re ready to establish clear digital marketing strategies to achieve your goals and grow your legal practice, give LegalRev a call today at (800) 893-2590 to get started.

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