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Importance of Social Media and Reviews

February 4, 2016

Importance of Social Media | Portland | LegalRevSocial Media Platforms Are Also Search Engines

Gone are the days when people solely used Google, Yahoo and, more recently, Bing for initiating an online search. With Facebook incorporating trending news relevant to individual users, along with Twitter and Instagram owning the world of hashtags, social media platforms have quickly become search engines themselves. In other words, if you’re active on Facebook, it’s more than plausible that potential clients will discover your company’s new content after searching via Facebook’s search feature. If a potential client wants to learn more about your company, they’re likely to use Twitter and Facebook to find out more about what kind of presence you have on each platform. Case in point: As long ago as 2012, Facebook reported around one billion search queries per day.

Pushing Your Message

Properly optimized, active social media profiles often rank well in search results for many companies, especially if that company enjoys considerable brand name recognition. When you create original content and post a link to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ pages, it helps search engines like Google and Bing better understand which websites are credible. While social shares (i.e. retweets, hashtags, etc.) may not directly affect a webpage’s position in terms of search rankings, there is little doubt that having a strong social media presence affects the content of your search results.

Don’t Underestimate Your Reviews

According to a 2014 article in Search Engine Land, 88% of Internet users looked at reviews when determining the quality of a local business, with 39% of users saying they read reviews on a regular basis. Most importantly, 72% of users said they are more likely to trust a local business if it has received positive reviews. Similarly, nearly nine in ten potential clients report trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Let’s Grow Your Online Presence

At LegalRev, we’re dedicated to helping our clients expand their online presence through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media engagement. A leader in Portland’s digital marketing industry, we pride ourselves on working alongside each and every client in a professional, personalized manner. Call us today to learn more.

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