How Does Google Determine My Local Ranking?

How Does Google Determine My Local Ranking | Digital Marketing Agency | Portland | LegalRevFerris Bueller once said that life moves pretty fast, and if you don’t stop to take a look around once in awhile, you might miss it. Right about so many things, Bueller’s words of wisdom are particularly applicable to industry standards regarding the ever-changing world of local SEO. Read on to find out how Google determines local rankings for your business.

Make Them Notice

In order to increase local traffic, you must ensure that every bit of information related to your business is accurate and clearly visible. This includes your physical address, phone number(s), all relevant practice areas (and office locations) and your hours of operation. If your online presence is full of incomplete or contradictory information, your traffic will take a hit and your business will suffer. It’s as simple as that.

Relevance & User Reviews

We can’t stress this enough: the content on your website simply must match what consumers in your market are looking for. Likewise, positive user reviews are (finally) getting noticed by Google. While it’s always been in every firm’s best interest to provide effective, reliable service(s), doing so now can greatly influence your local ranking.

Where Are You — And What Are You Saying?

Location matters, but no more so than relevance. In other words, your business will rank higher if you feature relevant content, even if your physical address is located further away from your primary target area.


Have potential clients heard of your firm? Google will judge your prominence based on information spread across the Internet, from linked pages and articles, to blogs, directories and positive reviews.

Get Up

At LegalRev, we’re dedicated to helping our clients expand their online presence through customized SEO campaigns and social media engagement. A leader in Portland’s digital marketing industry, we pride ourselves on working alongside each and every client in a professional, personalized manner. Call us now to get started.

April 14, 2016